Episode 12: Renting a Stall at the Horsetel California

Come along and ride with us, by clicking play on this podcast you agree that Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and that you cannot hold Horse Girls LLC or any of it's horsepresentatives liable for any actions you may or may not take after listening to this podcast. Tim stop arguing with the lawyer, Tim, NO TIM! STOP TELLING THE KIDS TO STEAL! 

Episode Noel (10.5): The Holiday Spectacular

Alone on the rooftop clop clop clop, Tim hears the hoofbeats and his heart stops stops stops. 

Sugarfoot is here click click click he comes down the chimney here he is. 

Run from the room Tim run run run if you don't get away you're done done done...

He runs from the room and slips slips slips, Sugarfoot has come for Tim and here. He. Is. 

Horse Girls Episode 10: Horses of Nature

Welcome to Jenna and Alex's epic equestrian journey through the trails, pastures, and rings of nostalgia as they attempt to turn Tim into a full-fledged Horse Girl!

Come along and ride with us as you become the Judge. The Jury. And the Executioner on a Tim and Alex interaction. Jenna has passed her judgement now you pass yours! Yes TIM, YOU ARE FUNNIER! JUST ACCEPT IT!

Horse Girls Episode 8.5: That‘s What I Herd

Come along and ride with us on this very special episode where we have a blast talking with family we have found through podcasting. We take some time to appreciate those who have come into our lives and added something special. Our amazing guests this episode:

Robert Chauncey- @TunnelsPodcast

Philip D Keating- @ImaginaryNomad

and Nate Varnadoe- @SplintersmithNC


We appreciate you all and have a wonderful holiday!

Horse Girls Episode 8: Fetlock, Stock, and Barrel

Come along and ride with us as we find out that Tim is going to start a horse magnet business. He is really stuck on this idea. Something really attracted him to the job. I think he feels really positively about it and hasn't taken a look at the negative side yet. No one knows how Tim works, it's just magic. 

Horse Girls Episode 6.66: Unbridled Terror

Come along and ride with us as Tim tells the best fucking joke ever and I am here for it but I am very mad you thought of it and not me. How dare you. Now I am going to haunt your ass for all eternity! Happy Halloween to you too!

New episode every other Wednesday except this week you get this extra one as a treat but also as a trick!